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Original articles up to 6500 (normally between 2000 and 6000) words required. We welcome practical distance education management ideas as well as more theoretical works. Articles should be submitted electronically, as HTML documents, or as Microsoft Word files. Graphics should be either in Gif or JPEG format. All tables should be formatted using the Table tool (versus using tabs). Manuscripts can be submitted in WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. All submissions should be preceded by a header containing the title of the manuscript, the name(s) of the author, any affiliations, mail, and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers. As much as possible typescript should conform to the style set forth in the Publications Manual of the American Psychological Association.

The Editor-in-Chief may decline to consider a manuscript for several reasons, including inadequate evidence that the method is substantially new and promising, poor preparation, an insufficiently clear and detailed presentation, and a lack of adherence to the journal's guidelines for manuscript preparation. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to reject manuscripts not clearly about distance learning administration, as space permits. The Editor-in-Chief reserves the right to make the final decision when conflicts of editorial opinion arise. Once a manuscript has been accepted for consideration, it will be assigned to the Managing Editor for distribution to reviewers. Articles will be reviewed blindly by two or three persons with expertise in the area.

Submission DeadlineReviews Due BackTarget Publish Date
Spring EditionFebruary 15March 1March 15
Summer EditionMay 15June 1June 15
Fall EditionAugust 15September 1September 15
Winter EditionNovember 15December 1December 15

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Material appearing in The Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration may be distributed freely by electronic or any other means, providing that any such distribution is without charge (unless for purposes of cost recovery by interlibrary loan services) and that The Journal is acknowledged as the source. However, no article may be reprinted in any publication without the explicit written permission of the author(s).