Summer 2020 - Volume 23, Issue 2

From the Editor

I hope this email finds you and your loved ones well. Many of us could not have imagined when our last edition was released in March all that would come in the following months. It has been a trying time of grand proportions for our profession and our country. The very technologies that have enabled us to continue teaching, learning and communicating have also shone a stark light on our vulnerabilities and injustices.

Among our challenges in the times ahead are navigating new waters and continuing to act with both an innovative spirit and fearless integrity. My wish for all is that we find the proverbial silver lining in these times. It's an opportunity to better our approaches to distance learning teaching and administration. A time to rethink our priorities. And, most of all, a time to reconnect with one another in the most authentic ways, in spite of distances or differences.

Peace to all,

Melanie N. Clay, Ph.D.